Mergetool with Vimdiff

Set tool for manage merging

git mergetool -t vimdiff

Background colors explanation

  • Blue is there for new block
  • Purple is there for a differing line
  • Red is there for differing characters in the differing line

Configuring diff tool with .gitconfig

    tool = vimdiff


]c :        - next difference
[c :        - previous difference
do          - diff obtain
dp          - diff put
zo          - open folded text
zc          - close folded text
:diffupdate    :diffu - re-scan the files for differences
:diffget RE  " get from REMOTE
:diffget BA  " get from BASE
:diffget LO  " get from LOCAL
:diffput RE  " get from REMOTE
:diffput BA  " get from BASE
:diffput LO  " get from LOCAL

. Git mergetool generates unwanted .orig files

git config --global mergetool.keepBackup false
find . -name \*.orig 
find . -name \*.orig -delete
git clean -n *.orig
git clean -f *.orig