Create latex tables with merged cells from org mode in Emacs

  1. Create a built-in table. The goal is to merge cells header3 and heade4
| header1 | header2 | header3 | heade4 |
| cell1   | cell2   | cell3   | cell4  |
| cell5   | cell6   | cell7   | cell8  |

If you do not remember the commands, use the menu window

  1. Convert the built-in table into table mode by replacing manually | with + at the corners of the cells.
| header1 | header2 | header3 | heade4 |
| cell1   | cell2   | cell3   | cell4  |
| cell5   | cell6   | cell7   | cell8  |

  1. Type CTRL + c + '

  1. In the table editor, got to cell heade4 and run span a cell to left from menu window

  1. Type 'CTRL + c + ' to close the editor and go back to the file

  1. Type 'CTRL + c CTRL + e ' to open org-export-dispatch menu (also available with M-x).

  1. Press the key 'l' (L lowercase) twice to import table to latex. It generates the file example.tex. It is the same filename but with .tex extension

  2. Open the file example.tex.
